Command | Description | Comments |
sudo | Runs a commands as Super User. | It gives the specific user the most powerful rights to execute commands. |
yum | It allows user to install, update, remove or search software packages. | Often used with the sudo commands. |
ls | Lists the files and folders. | Lists all files in current directory. |
cd | Also known as chdir (change directory). | Used to switch directories. |
pwd | Display path name. | Displays the full path name of the current working directory. |
mv | Rename or move files. | Moves/renames files or directories. |
cp | Copy files or directory. | |
mkdir | Make Directory. | Create a folder in your current directory. |
rm | Delete files or folders. | |
who | Checks who is logged on. | Shows all online users. |
clear | Clear terminal window. | Clears the complete window of your terminal. |
systemctl | (Start/stop/enable/disable) | Manages OS services and start-ups. |
firewall-cmd | CentOS Firewall. | Critical system function (security). |
nano | Text editor. | Not installed with minimum install. |
tar | Unzips tar archives(+more). | |
unzip | Unzips an archived folder. | |
chmod | Change file permissions. | |
chown | Changes owner of a file or folder. |