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Cheat Sheet CentOS 7

Command Description Comments
sudoRuns a commands as Super User.It gives the specific user the most powerful rights to execute commands.
yumIt allows user to install, update, remove or search software packages. Often used with the sudo commands.
lsLists the files and folders.Lists all files in current directory.
cdAlso known as chdir (change directory).Used to switch directories.
pwdDisplay path name.Displays the full path name of the current working directory.
mvRename or move files.Moves/renames files or directories.
cpCopy files or directory.
mkdirMake Directory.Create a folder in your current directory.
rmDelete files or folders.
whoChecks who is logged on. Shows all online users.
clearClear terminal window. Clears the complete window of your terminal.
systemctl (Start/stop/enable/disable)Manages OS services and start-ups.
firewall-cmdCentOS Firewall.Critical system function (security).
nanoText editor.Not installed with minimum install.
tarUnzips tar archives(+more).
unzipUnzips an archived folder.
chmodChange file permissions.
chownChanges owner of a file or folder.

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